
0 May Newsletter - End Property Tax

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Constitution PartyTexas

Integrity, Liberty, & Prosperity!

Hello my fellow Texans

Greetings from the greatest state party – Constitution Party Texas. We may not have ballot access…but it is within our grasp. Will you help be the solution to our ballot access need? Details coming soon. I know patriotic, constitutionalist Texans will never stick their heads in the sand. We fight for all Texans’ rights, freedoms, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness. So let us not merely complain about the issues but offer genuine resolutions to secure our rights in Texas.


Eliminating property taxes is achievable this legislative session. However, I have it on good authority it will not happen. Republican and democrat candidates are elected to do what we demand, not what their party bosses desire. So, let's demand it.

During the governor’s debate, Abbott said he wants property taxes eliminated and would fight for it. He went on to say this taxation amounted to slavery for Texans. Then the tweeting started about the Governor’s plan of action to fix property taxes. Read it on his website. Thirty-four pages later, no property tax elimination. Have you heard anything else from the Governor? No.


So, I decided to give real solutions. Three of these solutions were offered by a former Republican in the House,  who served as a member of the freedom caucus.  He is a Constitutionalist.

Three step solution:

  • Allow teachers to get their own insurance policies and retirement programs. Teachers strive to teach self-dependence. They should be an example to our children. Texans would save $80 billion.
  • Eliminate the current curriculum and stupid “test” being used in the public school system. Texans would save $80 billion. Medicaid reduction of $80 billion.
  • Texans save $80 billion. This would eliminate the yearly need for property taxes.

This would eliminate the yearly need for property taxes.


Now I will offer some additional steps which will aid schools. First, a one percent sales tax added to the current state sales tax to go straight to the ISD’s for curriculum. Second, the elimination of property taxes will eliminate the need for anything associated with property taxes. This would further aid schools in salary increases for teachers and old fashion curriculum cost. Lastly, there is currently a bill heading for the State Senate providing incentives for the film industry. Claims are the funds generated could be $1 billion to the state. So let’s use any funds generated from this to aid in eliminating property taxes.


Texans, WE must remember the Revolutionary War, and why it was fought. At the end of the day, it was over a four-cent stamp tax. The King of England insisted on keeping the tax. The colonists said no. “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Texans, WE must remember the Texas Revolutionary War. Santa Anna dissolved the state government and the Mexican constitution, naming himself as the President Dictator of the Mexican states. This included Texas. Texans fought for their freedom from being taxed and losing their property. “Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad! God and Texas!”

Texans, WE must remember why the civil war was fought. Whether you look at the war as a slavery issue, or as a state rights issue, it dealt with bondage and destroying the freedoms, rights and liberties of all men. For all men are created equal.

Any normal, rational person sees Texans as renters to the State of Texas. We do not own our land as long as this property tax remains in place. We cannot realize our dream of a free people and society. We cannot accept buy downs or adjustments to current law. The time has come to stand and scream at our state representative and senators, “Give me liberty or give me death! Remember the Alamo, Goliad, God and Texas, for all men are created equal!”

Scott Copeland 

State Chairman

Constitution Party Texas

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