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Congratulations to the Constitution Party of Texas

State Chairman and State Treasurer!


            The new year has started with thunder in Texas. Scott Copeland, Chairman of the Constitution Party of Texas, had petitioned the national Personhood Alliance to begin an affiliate in Texas. After the vetting process was completed, the Personhood National Executive Board gave its unanimous approval for the startup. Copeland was named President and Kristie Van Eaton, Treasurer of the Constitution Party of Texas, was named Vice President.

            Copeland stated, “We are overwhelmed by the Personhood organization decision. Personhood is the essential right to have human rights from the point of conception thru natural death. Our political party and the Personhood Texas stand together on the issues facing an individual in our state, nation, and world.”

            The new Personhood Texas will begin the process of forming two Personhood entities in Texas. Kristi Van Eaton indicated one will be a political action committee and the other an educational organization. “We will begin seeking opportunities within the Christian church to share the message of Personhood as defined in the Bible,” remarked Scott Copeland.

            Copeland, a Christian minister, and former Presidential candidate completed his comments. “The church has become idle in a world of secularism. The Christian voice of life has been successfully muted by a worldly message of pro compromise and death. It is time we revive the message of life within the church and the upcoming legislative session in Austin will be next.”


(Please copy and paste the following announcement. Share with your minister and church;

local radio and TV stations; and your state senator and representative)


(Further information about these two organizations may be obtained at and

(Contact Scott Copeland at email