
0 Week 4 of the 10 Week series

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....Well, here we are at week 4 of 10. I hope you are getting a sense that we are hardly in charge of anything, that a rogue political family is using our resources and our political base as their own completely to enrich themselves. I've said this many times and will once again. The people in our Mississippi Republican Party are great folks, and do everything they can to work hard for this state. But having said this, they are being manipulated by some slick grifters. 
....Barbour and family as you have seen by all the sources we have presented so far are tied to Global interests and is an active kingpin pulling strings as a principal actor in these scams and political agendas.
.....This week we will go to KIOR. This is a Venture Capitalist's dream and so we have heavyweights on the board like Condalisa Rice and Bill Gates. But we have a special link from overseas that shows that much of the fleecing of Mississippi is done covertly. These Are not just business deals that failed, in many cases, they seemed to be planned failures. As we hope grows and builds a deeper bench of dedicated researchers we will be able to chase the real bottom of the corruption. I'm one person with ten years invested in this project. But just me alone is homing in on Political RICO investigations. This looks to me to be at least 7 Billion Dollars we have lost to their activities. 
......We start at the end and a Bankruptcy where you will see Names like Bill gates. And I used our own Jackson Free Press article so it was more down-home and personal. Plus it lets you know =We locally are not unaware of what is happening so why are we still electing Wicker and allowing Barbour's access to our MSGOP?
......Here are 60 Minutes flat out saying that Barbours partner in this and other issues like Kemper are not just risky but have a track record of failures. My view is that they do fundraising from these failures and as we will see it is insanely profitable. Yet we still get stuck with the initial failure and there are no real efforts to even salvage these failures so we can recover anything. Here we were on the hook for about 90 Million the same as GreenTech Automotive. Just to clarify, Vinod Khosla the Co-Founder of Sun Microsystems is Haley Barbour's partner along with Gov. Terry McAuliffe former head of the Democrat DNC.  
.....Now, this is an interesting take on KIOR by our own Clarion-Ledger. 
....This overview addresses more than one Khosla/Barbour loss to our state. It pretty much says =The state should not be in commercial enterprises period. And I agree 100%.
....Now we need to understand the money we lose is not part of the money's that they make. Here is 200 in Grants. So in essence we have no idea how much money we have lost. But none of it is applied to reimbursing us for these losses. There are more investors and Grants, I'm just trying to show the pattern.  
.....Here is an interesting yet right-on-target comment on this issue. Which of course just underlines the corrupt nature of how business is done in Mississippi. 
That's an odd way of calculating return on investment. Most entities that invest money would calculate return on investment using cash flows out and cash flows in. Just because the people who got the money invested another $8 billion doesn't mean that the state had cash flows. ROI would be calculated on the money the state spent vs. the tax receipts attributable to the expenditures. If this is the way MDA calculates ROI, this is a very good reason they shouldn't be investing.
......Now For the real big bucks. I found this by accident from one of my "Overseas" chat buddies who also does research. This is going to rock your world. Now I don't have a figure on how many investors [If Any] but this Publication is for wealthy overseas investors. So it makes it unregulated in the US. The bottom line is that if they only sold one, they still stuck us with the 90+ million dollar failure here in Mississippi. 
<<<<Source; the area to look is at the bottom of the page. >>>>
...This is the highlighted area we need to focus on. Here they are selling investors in our KIOR at a 1.6 Billion dollar level. 

The path less traveled: KiOR

Take KiOR, for example, an outstanding technology using Southern pine to make cellulosic biofuels, at scale, at impressive margins. It’s $250 million per pop for a KiOR plant, the feedstock costs $72 per bone dry ton, and there are a couple of hundred million tonnes available. It’s a value proposition that has a lot of investors salivating. You get Haley Barbour and Vinod Khosla as your partners – not bad at all. Costs you $1.6 billion to own that seat at the “future of energy” table. You get about 1 percent of, say, Facebook, for that.

Compare Codexis. The feedstock is already paid for in the cane harvest, there are ultimately more than a billion tones available. You get Shell and M&G as your partners. Costs you $160 million to own that seat.

Now, KiOR’s model – build, own, operate, will control more of the value-chain, and more of the margin. But you could just about buy Codexis (at today’s “affordable” share prices) for the money that Khosla and friends pumped into Range Fuels. Now, that may well prove to be one of the most affordable seats at the Final Table in the World Biofuels Scale-Up Shootout that will ever come around. It’s what the US spends on oil imports in, say, a six-hour stretch.

...I look forward to everyone's comments. So far I'm getting calls instead of Comments. People can not believe what they are reading. This is just a small sampling. We are waiting for people to start their own groups with their own researchers. You literally will be saving the future of our State and Country. 

.....Look for us to come forward again next Monday. We need to see the level of Global and democratic involvement in our state. 


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          Week 4 of the 10 Week series